Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hunger 4 Revival Event in St. George, Utah February 16th - 19th

We are heading to St. George, Utah to hold our next Hunger 4 Revival event.  We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store.  If you live in or around the area, mark the following dates on your calendar and come out for a weekend of Worship, Intimacy with the Lord, fellowship, discipleship training, healing, deliverance, baptism and more.  We are seeing people getting saved, set free, healed and delivered.  The Lord has been showing up in a very real and powerful way. Also, please share this event to help us get the word out!

This event starts on Thursday evening at 6:30 PM. Come for a time of fellowship, coffee, worship and a time of getting to know the "Hunger For Revival" ministry team. The schedule for the week will be as follows.
Thursday: 6:30 pm - ?
Friday: 10am - 12pm & 3pm -5pm 
Evening service starts at 6:30pm
Saturday: 10am - 12pm & 3pm -5pm 
Evening service starts at 6:30pm
Red Lion Hotel
850 S. Bluff St.
St. George, UT 84770

RSVP here:

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